
How does our mulch hold such great color and look so good in the landscape? Our Black, Brown, Red and Bark Mulch are all from the same source and manufactured as a by-product of lumber production. What does this mean? After the trees are debarked to make our 100% Bark Mulch, lumber is manufactured. It is noteworthy that our supplier practices sustainable forest management. Following this process there is a lot of remaining clean wood that cannot be made into lumber. This wood is free of sticks, pallets, and clippings. It is then double ground to the perfect shred and dyed with eco-friendly water based dye.

*Rain can affect dyed mulch. In order to maintain maximum color retention, allow the dyed mulch to settle in its landscape for 24-48 hours. This will allow drying time for the mulch to look vibrant for a long time. Failure to do so can result in fading or wash out.

Benefits of mulch:
• Upholds moisture and improves the condition of the plants, trees, and soil
• Minimizes and suppresses weeds
• Improves soil structure and prevents runoff
• Helps maintain soil temperatures which promotes healthy plant growth
• Aesthetically pleasing appearance

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